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Plant extracts can delay aging


Aging is a complex, multi-stage, gradual process that occurs throughout life. With the passage of time, the organs and muscles of the human body will gradually age, and some diseases will also occur with the growth of age, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and so on.

More and more studies have shown that phytochemicals, including polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenoids, etc., can prolong healthy life through anti-oxidation, activation of mitochondrial autophagy and other mechanisms, and have anti-aging properties.

Previously, the researchers found that sage extract can delay aging in vitro experiments, and in mouse and human in vitro models, sage extract significantly reduced the number of positive age-related beta-galactose sidase cells, showing anti-aging properties.

Recently, Researchers at the University of Padova in Italy published a paper in the journal Nature Aging entitled "Targeting senescence induced by age or chemotherapy with a polyphenol-rich. natural extract improves longevity and healthspan in mice."

Studies have shown that daily intake of sage extract can extend the lifespan and healthy lifespan of mice, inhibit age-induced inflammation, fibrosis and aging markers in a variety of tissues, and improve aging phenotypes.

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In this study, the researchers analyzed the anti-aging potential of sage extract (HK) in vivo through mouse models, by adding low doses of HK to daily drinking water, and analyzed senescent cell accumulation in mouse models, as well as several age-related parameters, including longevity, physical health, fibrosis, bone mineralization, and inflammation.

The researchers gave 20-month-old mice drinking water containing HK until they died.

The results showed that the average life span of mice in the HK treatment group was 32.25 months, while the average life span of mice in the control group was only 28 months. HK treatment extended the life span by 4.25 months, and the life span of both female and male mice was significantly extended.

Histopathological analysis of the skin, liver, kidney, and lungs of the mice found that HK treatment did not cause changes in hematopoietic parameters or organ toxicity, indicating that HK treatment is safe.

In addition, HK treatment improved aging phenotypes in mice compared to controls, including aspects of hunchback, tumor development, and animal fur status.

These results indicate that HK treatment can prolong the healthy lifespan and longevity of mice, and no toxicity is observed.

Further analysis found that HK treatment improved aging phenotypes in a variety of tissues, including improved hair loss, bone, muscle health, and kidney function.

Mechanism analysis showed that HK treatment significantly down-regulated the aging gene set SAUL_SEN_MAYO, while the up-regulated aging gene set was associated with overexpression of inflammation, immune activation, and age-related pathways, suggesting that HK treatment modulated transcriptome features associated with inflammation and aging. In addition, analysis of muscles, skin, kidneys, and lungs found that HK treatment reduced the levels of aging markers in different tissues in the body.

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In addition to natural aging, the researchers also found that HK treatment can also prevent aging and cardiotoxicity caused by the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin, while maintaining its therapeutic effect.

Finally, because HK is an extract containing a variety of plant components, the researchers analyzed the specific ingredients that play an anti-aging role, and the results showed that a flavonoid component, luteolin (Lut), is the active ingredient of HK anti-aging, which improves aging by altering the interaction between p16 and CDK6.

Taken together, the study found a natural extract with anti-aging effects that improved cell and tissue aging, improved age-related symptoms such as fur, humpback, accumulation of markers of aging and DNA damage in tissues, and significantly extended animal lifespan.